
At St. Joseph’s, our vision is that every child should be happy at school, enjoy learning and achieve their best.

We have high expectations of all our children and encourage them to have high expectations of themselves. We want them to be confident in their ability to make progress and happy to have-a-go without worrying about making mistakes or ‘getting things wrong’.

We believe this is how they will become increasingly resilient and independent in their learning and in their relationships with each other.

The term 'Special Educational Need and Disability' (SEND) is a legal definition, referring to children who have learning difficulties or disabilities that make it harder for them to learn or access education than most children of the same age.

St. Joseph's is an inclusive school.  As a staff, we work hard to provide high-quality teaching for all and to help children to make progress in all that they do. We encourage them to keep up their efforts, to recognise and celebrate their successes and to stay optimistic when things don’t go according to plan, knowing that there is someone at hand to encourage and support them.

We know that this is especially important for children with special educational needs and disabilities and we will strive to find ways to overcome anything that gets in the way of their learning, so that they experience a sense of success and share this with their families.

There are many types of additional need - some physical, some to do with mental health, some to do with learning and others to do with social or emotional interaction. Whatever your child's need, we will work with you to make sure he or she is ably supported, challenged and inspired to do the best they can and be the best they can be.

You can download our 'school offer' for pupils with special educational needs below. There is also a link to the Ealing Local Authority Offer. In the document we answer questions about what sort of approaches we use and how and where you can find out more.

The Inclusion Manager, Miss Sasenarine, is always happy to talk to parents about any worries or concerns about their child's learning. Please do not hesitate to call for an appointment or email Miss Sasenarine (

We aim to make our school as accessible as we can to all learners, parents, staff and visitors. Please click the link below to view this year's Accessibility Plan.

SEND Documents

Local Offer


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