Why choose St.Joseph's Catholic Primary School? Visit our website and /or book a tour through the school office.

Prospective Parents Presentation

To view our Admission Policies, go to the 'Key Information' tab, then click on 'Policies'.  You will get a clear indication of our over-subscription criteria in the policy.

Ealing Council School Admissions

Admissions Information

Nursery and Reception Admission for September 2025

You can now begin the admission process for your child if they are born between the dates listed below, the closing date for applications to Nursery and Reception is 15th January 2025.  

  • Children born between 01 September 2020 and 31 August 2021 begin Reception September 2025
  • Children born between 01 September 2021  and 31 August 2022 begin Nursery September 2025

To apply for Nursery (the school year in which your child turns 4 years old), you will need to complete a Supplementary Information Form (SIF) available on this website or can it be collected from the school office.

To apply for Reception, you must complete the Ealing Borough Common Application Form (or the CAF from the borough you live in). Please see the Ealing website for more details www.ealing.gov.uk/admissions

Reception Parents should also complete a Supplementary Information Form (SIF). Failure to do so will place your application in Category 10, meaning any applicants in categories 1 through to 9 will be offered a place ahead of your application. Asking a Catholic priest or other minister of religion to complete the Certificate of Catholic Practice may also lead to your application being placed in a higher priority category. The Supplementary Information Form can be downloaded by clicking on the link below.

St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School welcomes applications from members of other faiths and and from families with no faith. If you are unclear about what makes a Catholic school distinctive please ask to meet with the headteacher.

Copies of our admission policy can be found under the Policies section of this website.

Prospective Parent School Tours

Tours of the school for prospective parents will take place promptly on specified days and bookings must be made through the school office. The dates are listed below:-

Thursday 19th September 2024 - 10am

Thursday 24th October 2024 - 10am and 7.10pm

Thursday 7th November 2024 - 10am

Thursday 14th November 2024 - 10am

Thursday 21st November 2024 - 10am and 7.10pm

Thursday 28th November 2024 - 10am

Thursday 5th December 2024 - 10am

Thursday 9th January 2024 - 10am

If you would like to attend a tour, you must book in advance by email on ask@stjosephs.ealing.sch.uk. Please state the date you would like to attend and we will contact you with confirmation. If you are unable to book onto a tour, look around this website you will find information about life at St. Joseph's.  If you would like to speak to someone about St. Joseph's and the system for admission, please call us on 020 8567 6293.

If you cannot make any of the dates, please enquire through the office to arrange a quick tour.


Admissions Appeals

Appeals for the school year 2025/26 will be coordinated by the London Borough of Ealing.  Should you wish to appeal, please inform the Clerk to the Governors via the school office before 27th May 2025.  Appeals after this date cannot be guaranteed to be heard before the autumn term starts.

In-Year Admissions

To apply for any year group, from Reception to Year Six, you must complete the Ealing Borough Common Application Form (or the CAF from the borough you live in). Please see the Ealing website for more details www.ealing.gov.uk/admissions

Parents should also complete a Supplementary Information Form (SIF). Failure to complete the SIF will place your application in Category 10, meaning any applicants in categories 1 through to 9 will be offered a place ahead of your application. Asking a Catholic priest or other minister of religion to complete the Certificate of Catholic Practice may also lead to your application being placed in a higher priority category. The Supplementary Information Form can be downloaded from the Admissions tab.

St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School welcomes applications from members of other faiths and and from families with no faith. If you are unclear about what makes a Catholic school distinctive please ask to meet with the headteacher.

Copies of our admission policy can be found under the Policies section of this website.


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