Mrs Ingham (6LI), Mrs Whybrew (6WL) and Miss Smith (6MS)
Spelling/Grammar Home Learning, in English Skills book, is set on a Monday and is due back by Wednesday.
Year 6 Home Learning from all other subjects may be set on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday - see Homework Diary/Reading Record for details.
Children should read for 20 minutes every day and complete a short reflection or task in their Reading Record.
Please come to school dressed in your P.E. kits for P.E. lessons on…
6LI – Tuesday (indoor) and Thursday (outdoor)
6W – Tuesday (indoor) and Thursday (outdoor)
6MS - Tuesday (indoor) and Thursday (outdoor)
The classes’ Music lessons are on Thursdays and Spanish lessons are on Fridays.
If there is heavy rain at home time, Year 6 children will be dismissed from the Dance Studio.
We are here to help, support and guide. If you have any queries, questions and concerns please feel free to email us. Please write your child’s name and class in the subject bar.
The email address is
See below for any other information or support that may be useful for you or your year 6 child.
Meeting Presentations
SATs Revision
Maths Revision
Maths Revision Materials |
Arithmetic Practice
SPAG Revision
SPAG Revision
Year 5 and 6 Spelling List
Year 5 and 6 Spelling List
Autumn 1 Spelling List
Autumn 2 Spelling List
Spelling/Grammar Home Learning, in English Skills book, is set on a Monday and is due back by Wednesday.
Year 6 Home Learning from all other subjects may be set on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday - see Homework Diary/Reading Record for details.
Y6 Independent Project Day
See below for any Important Dates and Notices.
Parents’ Evening 1 - 4.3.25 4.30-7pm
World Book Day – 6.3.2025
First Family Friday - 7.3.2025
Parents’ Evening 2 - 13.3.25 3.30-6pm
British Science Day- Change and Adapt- 14.3.25
St Joseph’s Day- 19.3.25
St Joseph’s Day Mass at the Church (Year 2-6) - 19.3.25 10am
Music Evening- 27.3.25 7pm
Way of the Cross in the Church Lead by Year 6- 1.4.25 7pm
PTA Easter Egg Raffle- 3.4.25
Finish for Easter Holiday- 4.4.2025 1.30pm
Return for the Summer Term- 22.4.2025
Art Week- 22 - 25.4.2-25
Earth Day- 22.4.25
RAF Museum Trip- 24.4.25
Art Exhibition- 25.4.25
See below for anything related to PGL.
PGL Videos
Please take a look at the videos from our trip to PGL this year. Click on the links to see each video.
PGL 2024 Intro, high ropes, archery, abseiling, fencing.mp4
( Music) Pgl 2024 Survivor, Giant swing, raft building, rifle, climbing.mp4
(music) PGL 2024 Zip wire, trapeze, aeroball, laser, Disco, home.mp4