
At St. Joseph’s we use the Ealing PSHE Scheme of Work put together by the Health Improvement team and a working group of teachers in Ealing. The planning is ambitious for all our children and is coherently planned and sequenced to ensure that our children build on and gain new knowledge and skills as they progress through St. Joseph’s. Our curriculum is broad and balanced to ensure that our children leave primary school with the knowledge and skills to keep themselves physically healthy, mentally healthy and safe. We also aim to equip our children with the knowledge, skills and attitudes they will need to be active, respectful and engaged citizens of modern Britain.


Our PSHE curriculum has a wide range of child-centred activities to ensure the learning is enjoyable for all children. The scheme of work is based on the learning descriptors laid out in the DfE’s ‘Statutory Relationships, Sex and Health Education guidance’. These learning descriptors are outlined at the beginning of each unit of planning to ensure our teachers know the expected standard of learning that we want our children to attain at the end of each unit of work. Our scheme of work contains both formative and summative assessment opportunities that support teachers to assess PSHE knowledge, and how these are applied within social and emotional skills development. PSHE is taught as a discrete lesson once a week but also forms an integral part of the values and ethos of our school.


The impact of our PSHE curriculum is measured against the standardised descriptors laid out in the DfE’s ‘Statutory Relationships, Sex and Health Education guidance’. These descriptors are used as benchmarks for progression. The impact of our PSHE curriculum is also seen in the way our children interact with others, the way in which they can keep themselves mentally and physically healthy, the respect our children have for themselves and for other people and the way in which the children can keep themselves and people around them safe. The impact of PSHE will not only just be seen in academic progress within the subject, but also in the way the children become active, respectful and engaged citizens of modern Britain.

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